women having a conversation at the party

The Happy Boy girls waited for the women who attacked The American Girl to leave before helping her. They lifted her off the ground, covered her with a tablecloth that they grabbed from a table, and helped her into a room to bathe. After that incident, The American Girl never returned to Happy Boy. The man who had danced with The American Girl did not return either, and the rumor spread in town that his wife had hit him, leaving him with a black eye. Since then, in town, when a man refuses to go to a party with his friends, it has become a popular saying, “You do not go to parties because your wife hits you. And if you leave without asking her permission, when you return home, she gives you a black eye.”

Continue reading “HAPPY BOY (Part V)”


woman taking selfie

Second by second, the words “HAPPY BOY” resounded in Doll’s brain. She, who was totally absorbed in her own thoughts, had remained motionless, observing without understanding how the women expressed happiness in each of the gestures on their faces. Suddenly, Brisa made Doll react by holding her by her shoulders while she shook her strongly, “Wake up, wake up; you were stunned.”

Continue reading “HAPPY BOY (Part III)”


happy young woman looking at a piece of cake with a candle

“The age of illusions” is a very appropriate phrase to describe the strength of youth that agglomerates inside each heart that dreams of discovering the world that surrounds it. The contagious smile that lit up Elida’s face showed how harmoniously her youth was complemented by her desire to be happy. Elida had always been a very pretty girl. She had large honey-colored eyes, and her soft and smooth skin was white as the clouds in the sky, lightly tanned by the rays of the sun that caressed her every time she walked through the field. Her blond hair, straight and long, fell over her shoulders like a waterfall in spring. The lips of her mouth reflected the red color of her blood like a freshly cut strawberry at dawn.

Continue reading “HAPPY BOY (Part I)”


closeup photography of jukebox

Sitting on an empty table, holding in my right hand a little bag full of coins, with my gaze fixed on the jukebox of the only canteen in my neighborhood. I was thinking about… what would be the next song I would select to listen to? While my heart was shaking and the blood in my veins was burning to the beat of the music. I was about nine years old and didn’t know the word shame. So, no matter what the drunks said, I sang at the top of my lungs following the musical notes of the song the jukebox was playing at that moment.

Continue reading “HAPPY BOY….”


OTONO-27We have probably heard on occasion that the world is very small and since it is round, sooner or later we will meet again with people whom we have not seen in a long time by chance or coincidences of fate. Alicia uses to live in the same neighborhood as Eduardo, she was a neighbor of her parents and a close friend of Eduardo’s mother. Although Eduardo knew that Alicia had a daughter, he never had the opportunity to meet her, because Alicia and her husband sold her house and moved out of town months after Nora was born. However, Alicia had kept in touch with Eduardo’s mother, but she always came alone whenever she visited them. Approximately, more than five years had passed since the last time Eduardo saw Alicia, so Eduardo’s astonishment when he met her again was overwhelming for him. Especially since she was Nora’s mother, who was physically identical to Ana and it was impossible for Alicia not to know that, because Eduardo’s mother had sent her photos of him and Ana’s wedding, after Ana died.



OTONO-11With a pale face, trembling legs and holding the baby car seat, Susana was in front of the hospital doors when her friend Irene came to pick her up, to take her back to her apartment. The tragic news of the collapse of the little train was resounding in all the media, while in Susana’s heart it echoed like an explosion of anguish and fear for what might have happened to her family.

Trying to calm Susana’s visible concern, Irene spoke to her in a gentle voice, “Do not worry in advance. We will go to the scene of the accident. You will be waiting in the car, while I look for your family. You will see that they are fine, the news always exaggerates events. “



LARK-09The cold morning wind moved gently in all directions over Lark’s body, which shuddered when the wind touched her skin, giving her the chills. The songbirds were heard in the surrounding environment and the first rays of the sun hit Lark’s face, hurting her closed eyes; forcing her into opening her sleepy eyelids that had been crusted shut by the small droplets of salty water that had remained between her eyes after she had shed many tears.

Continue reading “THE LARK OF THE EAST. (XVI – Final)”


After hearing what Lark said, Manuel stood up, grabbed his hat, and left the house. Hilda approached Lark and hugged her asking, “What does Saul say about your pregnancy?”

With her voice shaking from the nervousness she felt, Lark answered slowly, “He’s happy, he wants us to get married, he wants to rent a house, he wants us to move to live near his parents. I don’t agree with the house he wants to rent, because it’s very close to the Sombrerón’s house and I don’t like that place.”

Continue reading “THE LARK OF THE EAST. (Part XII)”

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