lake surrounded with green leafed trees

What an irony in life… I have to smile, showing a face covered in scarlet, so as not to show that my heart is broken and shattered. Only then can I continue to hide the inevitable reality that pressures me to live in the shadows since you have left.

There is an inexplicable feeling that surrounds me every time the calendar shows an important date for you and for me. However, I know that crying is of no use to me anymore. Because the pain I feel has remained captured in my empty belly, where memories threaten day after day to be forgotten.

woman wearing black top and blue denim bottoms

How ironic it is to feel complete when I know perfectly well that a part of me came away with your departure. But, even if I suffer and feel hurt, I will never forget you. Because for nine months, you lived inside me and made me immensely happy.

During the years that you were with me, you changed my world completely. Before you arrived, everything was covered in light but without color. And since I held you in my arms for the first time, my world has turned blue. And you filled my heart with happiness.

There are times when I would like to walk back on the timeline to see your existence. And to be able to tell you all those things that were drowned ins

ide my mouth. I would also like to materialize your body just to give you a hug. Since the abruptness of your departure denied me the opportunity to have you spend more time by my side.

white beach shoreline near gray rocks under blue sky during daytime

You know, I don’t want to remember the day I said goodbye to you. Because you put my entire world in chaos, leaving me an indelible mark of pain and crying. Since then, my mind and my heart have been out of touch because my mind forces me to continue living while my heart drowns me in pain, refusing to accept reality.

silhouette of woman at blue sea inside black cave during daytime

Sometimes I wonder, how can I continue living? Then I suddenly felt your presence. And it seems to me as if the answer comes directly from your lips when I remember your smile. Then I look around to discover that my world is still as blue as when you were by my side. And I recover all my faith, which gives me the security and certainty that one day we will walk together on the eternal line of time to never be separated EVER, while I strive to smile with my face covered in SCARLET.

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