silhouette of person

Have you ever experienced the feeling of lying on the wet ground after a rainy day, or on the green grass at dusk on a clear spring day just to gaze at the star-covered sky? Nowadays, people marvel at the sophisticated creations with technological advances that feed our senses with the words “PERFECTION” AND “BEAUTY”, creating before our eyes the perception of a world governed entirely by human intelligence.

How many times have you stopped time to forget everything around you, just to contemplate a bird flying in the sky or inhale the aroma of a flower that gently moves with the wind? Nowadays, it seems that we are limited and restricted by time, which dilutes like water between our fingers. Sometimes we are totally caught up in the marketing of a modern world where the word “ANTICIPATION” brings us closer to distant dates, regardless of the fact that we are just beginning the month of January.

silhouette of man under blue sky during nighttime

Have you ever walked on a beach at dawn while the waves of the sea wet your feet, watching how everything around you is colored with vibrant colors that make your skin crawl and feed your soul? Nowadays, we do not have to leave home to obtain all the comforts that the industry offers to obtain comfort and give peace to the human body, while it encapsulates us in fantasy mirrors that sometimes only reflect monotony.

When I was a child, I liked to get up at dusk without anyone noticing. Then I walked to the backyard of the house and quietly opened the door. Then I walked towards the center of the patio. I closed my eyes to immediately open them wide and be able to contemplate the sky. I brought my hands together and placed them over my mouth. Then I gently whispered my thoughts, which became wishes, which I imaginarily wrapped with my hands until they turned into stars that I blew strongly so that they rose to the sky.

silhouette of man and trees

In my child’s mind, I believed that, if my wishes were good, they would become shooting stars that would travel through time, breaking the speed of light to materialize at some point in my future life to give me happiness. On other occasions, I have told you that I was afraid of growing up, so I prepared for my future, thinking that every time I saw a shooting star sail over the star-covered sky, it would be one of my wishes, reminding me that I would forever remain a child.

With technological advancement and the movement of information through the Internet at extremely fast speeds, we can currently discover unimaginable events or acquire knowledge of the functioning or creation of almost everything that surrounds us. That’s why it’s so easy to dive into the depths of social media that, just as easily as we learn, we can skip living with the simplicity of our lives on a daily basis.

starry night sky above trees

Sometimes you don’t need to have much to be happy; sometimes we just need to feel to live. Discovering that the authenticity of our emotions helps us not lose our humanity. Therefore, we must know ourselves and learn to honestly enjoy the intensity of our feelings without lying to ourselves. To receive, we must first learn to give. Love to be loved, forgive to be forgiven, smile so that they smile at us, greet so that they greet us, and cry with those who cry to heal the soul.

I would like to be like the wind, so I can enter your mind

and discover your unattainable thoughts like a star in the sky.

I would like to be ethereal, to blend into the darkness of the night, and

Wrap you in my arms under a sky full of stars.

I would like to be bright, like the light that illuminates your ideas.

To turn all your dreams into reality, one by one.

I would like to be like a shooting star that fades

in time, crossing distances that shorten with speed

resounding of the wind, to wedge me in the depths of your feelings.

I would like you to make me the most desired of your dreams.

as if it were the only wish you would have made to the stars.

view of a starry night sky above a body of water

How many times have you felt sad and heartbroken, with so many problems that it is difficult for you to find a solution that alleviates your sorrows? When I find myself in a situation like this, I always look for a place where I can observe the sky. I like to breathe deeply and admire the beauty of the stars, letting my feelings feel free like a child again. My problems are not magically solved, but my mind clears, and I can think clearly to begin solving all my problems one by one.

Then I remember that there have been many occasions when, as if I were a child, I have asked the stars for wishes, and I feel happy again. If at any time in your life you see a shooting star traveling in the immensity of the sky, imaginatively catch it in your hands, put it on your chest, and remember that all the wonders of creation were placed on this earth to give us happiness. And remember to FEEL in order to LIVE, because life fades like a shooting star over the firmament.

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